
Doulas of Rhode Island is a professional organization for doulas who serve families in RI, CT and MA.

Our purpose, an area-wide doula network, is to educate the local community about doulas and provide easy access to doula services for Rhode Island and nearby area families. Additionally, DoRI’s mission is to provide professional support, continuing education and marketing opportunities for its members.

Membership is open to trained doulas by any doula certifying organization who provide services in and around RI. Membership is open for new members when you’re ready to join.. Click here for more info.

Members benefits include a listing on our site, networking opportunities and members only events. The best part of joining DoRI is the new friends you’ll meet along the way! Click here for more info.

For families, our doula list serves as a simple way to find a doula. If you’re looking for a doula, you can view them here.

For other professionals, we offer sponsorship opportunities. Included in your sponsorship is advertisement for your business and/or services. Please contact admin@doulasri.org for more info.

DoRI was founded in 2011 by two local doulas, and has since grown to over 70 doulas, all who have a diverse spectrum of training and services. DoRI is proud to provide 15+ years of support for our families! Read more about our founders here.



" 'I can't say enough about our doula. Our experience was more of a blessing than we could have ever asked for. She was so supportive and knowledgeable I can't imagine not having had her!"

Having our doula there to help us through the emotional journey of giving birth was amazing! She was so calm and patient. Just having her in the room made my whole birth experience calmer and much more special.
You have a very calming presence that soothes and invigorates. It was also great to be able to bounce ideas off of you during the delivery so I could feel confident in my decisions.
Your presence, calming tone of voice, ‘been through it before’, moral support for me when I felt like I would never go through it was the most important.
My husband was fully included in the whole process. We could not have gone through the pain in natural birth without you.
Whenever I put my hand out, you were there. Your verbal encouragement helped me to eventually believe in myself.